woensdag 25 september 2013

Curacao is well known for an own credit system. 

The so-called bon di dies luna offers people the chance to buy goods and to pay the amount spent back to the person providing the bon within specified terms.


No law, no civil procedures takes care of this habit. The interest rate is very high. Shops do trust this credit method. At the entrance of many shops one can see which bonds are accepted. 

zaterdag 21 september 2013

After arriving at Curacao I have visited the consumer protection organization, Fundashon pa konsumido.
They reported a case concerning a package travel to Suriname. With the file I left the office.

The office as such has not that much information for consumers. The folders are the same as five years ago. Their journal was not available. 

However, they do have a working website: http://www.fundashonpakonsumido.org/
All information is provided  the local language only: Papiamentu.

dinsdag 17 september 2013

Wat exporteert Suriname naar de Caricom?

Hieronder volgen enkele voorbeelden van Surinaamse export producten naar de Caricom:

  • Aluinaarde
  •  Motorbenzine
  •  Witte rijst
  • Ongepelde rijst
  • Dieselolie
  •  Bevroren vis
  •  Wasmiddelen
  • Geprefabriceerde bouwwerken van staal
  • WC papier
  • Zakken en tassen, puntzakken van polymeren van ethyleen
  • Bekers, vorken, messen, borden, lepels van kunststof
  • Keistenen, grint, steenslag